Saturday, August 10, 2013

“The Laugh

This is a fresco painting of a woman laughing.  The simplicity of the paint belies the range of emotions it conjures. The deep and rough texture of the plaster provides a strict contrast to the subject’s emotion.  This conflict is unsettling. Many ask if the subject laughing or crying?



This painting is a copy of a work by unknown artist from Russia. I cannot take credit for the subject or the style.  I was so intrigued by the artist’s ability to subtly convey of the feeling and attitude of this woman that I felt compelled to try to duplicate it. 

“Down the Drain – Southern Hemisphere

This painting represents the rotation of water going down drain in the Southern Hemisphere. The word “water” circulates in a counter clockwise direction.

By The Dozen


“By the Dozen”

This mixed media works includes a photograph of me drinking from a milk carton in kindergarten. The first image in the upper left is the original photo and the subsequent images have been modified  in a sequence. The differences in the images are to represent the course of life change from the very simple to the more complex.  And yet with the child in all of us remains although obscured.

“Lost in Paris”
This painting is painting was inspired by actually being lost in Paris.  The swirl of colors represents the vivid images of striking fashion, amazing architecture and colorful people but mixed into the chaos of being horribly lost with limited command of the French language. In the corner of the painting is the actual map that a Parisian wrote on giving me directions back to my hotel. The words “lost” dot the painting.

Park Avenue - SOLD

“Park Avenue”

This painting is a tribute to a truly great artist and my aunt Ann Evans. A diehard New Yorker who lived and work as a professional artist in the city for over fifty years.  This painting represents the taxi cabs backed up  onPark Avenue. The ghosted apartment buildings at the edges represent the magical creativity that Ann created in her small rent controlled apartment.  The painting is done on her drawing board which served as her platform for countless designs over her acclaimed career.

Down the Drain - Northern Hemisphere

“Down the Drain - Northern Hemisphere”

This painting represents the rotation of water going down drain in the Northern Hemisphere. The words "water" circulate in a counter clockwise direction.

The Wave

“The Wave”

This sculpture is made from antique tin which has been hammer over a wooden form known as a skate.



This painting represents the relationship between neighbors who live next to one another. The word "neighbor" connects the houses and suggests differences in the perceived relationship. The spacing of the letters (close vs. distant) and the level (first floor vs. second story) indicated the strength of the relationship as well as the level of intimacy.  Note that the strength of relationship is not always perceived at the same level.